For those who are looking for ways to explore healthy eating and raise awareness and donations for a great cause, Meat Free Week is the perfect opportunity.
Meat Free Week is an annual campaign that aims to raise awareness of how much red meat people consume and its links to bowel cancer, how to include red meat as part of a balanced diet, as well as to support Bowel Cancer Australia.
This year’s Meat Free Week challenges Australians to give up meat for seven days and to raise money for Bowel Cancer Australia. To be able to do this, participants must sign up for Meat Free Week and create a profile page to help with their fundraising efforts, publicise their participation through social media, and plan their meat free diet ahead of time.
Meat Free Week isn’t just restricted to carnivorous Australians – vegetarians and vegans are also welcomed to participate! Vegetarians and vegans are encouraged to engage in discussions with their loved ones about the benefits of the Week and eating less red meat. Meat Free Week doesn’t have to be for the whole week either. You can participate in Meat Free Week-end or Meat Free Monday, for those who either can’t do the whole week or just wanted to dip their toes in the water.
Participants’ lives are made easier with a wide variety of recipes available online from salads, burgers, chilli, right through to smoothies and desserts. Camaraderie comes from socialising through social media with participants posting their own recipe ideas and pictures of their mouth-watering meat free meals.
Meat Free Week takes place all over the world with celebrity chefs and food writers telling their stories of why they participate, with the week running from the 18th to the 24th of September this year.
So get a head start and get planning! Join the community, find some sponsors and prepare your food timeline for a smooth and hassle-free week.
Share your Meat Free successes on our social media pages and please follow us for more awesome updates from Melbourne Food Festivals.